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Running Partner

Adanna Ihenacho (presidential candidate)

!Her website link!

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Our Campaign Video!

Hey there!!!! My name is Adanna Ihenacho, but my friends call me Danna. Imma let you slide and call me Danna too, because we’ll be friends in the future for sure. I’m running for class president and every vote counts. At this point you may be wondering what I have to offer. For starters I am easy going, outgoing, strong willed, and full of passion along with love. Your vote for me isn’t just a check in in my direction it’s an outlet to me. I will feel comfortable talking to you and asking you what you want and expect to happen in your sophomore year. After a year away, and not any year. OUR FRESHMAN YEAR. I want to give us (along with our other council members) the funnest and most memorable sophomore year ever. But it all starts with your vote for me <3

Why you should vote for me!


In sixth grade I did ASB and in eighth grade I got into CJSF, so I have enough experience for the position because I'm used to having the work of organizing activities and pleasing my peers! You will definitely be able to trust me in knowing the right decisions to make.


I have good leadership skills that can benefit me as vice president. Additionally, I can work really well with other people and can communicate well with others. This will be very important because I'll be able to communicate with those that I work with and also the student body; tell me how to improve and I will do my best to work with you all!


Because I'm trying to convince you all to vote for me, I thought I would share a little more about myself! I've lived in California all my life and went to Brownell Middle School. I have two brothers, who both went to CHS. I've been in accelerated classes, so I'm used to thinking in high-paced environments. I'm really excited to get to know more about all of you as well! :)


Now I can finally say what I plan to do this coming year if you vote for me ;)

So before I get into too much detail, I want to write a short summary in case you don't want to read all that! In short, we have many theme weeks and activities that are designed to give you a break from all the stress of your classes. For example, at the end of each quarter, there will be activities such as fairs! We also plan to host fundraisers and have time for recognition to people who really deserve it, and not just academically. We want to additionally base many celebrations/activities around our sports. And of course, spread awareness towards important topics. That is, if you vote for me! For more details you're welcome to read on! 

I've underlined and put in red key ideas if you'd just like to scan through it!

___First of all, I'd like to introduce the more entertaining aspects of our plans! Of course, we're planning to host school dances and fairs. We want to include sports, painting, games, and a lot more! We also have a lot planned for the holidays. For Halloween, we have Scare Week. For Christmas, we baking, movie watching, eating, and decorating.  Additionally, we have multiple contests for Valentine's Day and posters for New Years. We'll even have a leprechaun for St. Patrick's Day! Something else to look forward to is "Drip Week," where we will have a week per semester dedicated to dressing up to fun themes. Personally, I'm excited for SneakerHead Monday, where we'll get to show off our best shoes :). 

___We have so much more planned, but here's some ideas created for the sake of relaxation. School is incredibly stressful to a lot of people, so I thought that we should have something to look forward to! At the end/beginning of each quarter, we have activities and kick-offs planned like games, food, and fairs that are made to congratulate students for making it so far and not giving up! And of course, rallies will be held throughout the year. These rallies will include activities, such as a teachers vs students game. Presentations and awards could also be presented here. We want to recognize students who really deserve the recognition. And this doesn't just include those with good grades, it also includes people with the greatest personalities and the MVPs of our sports teams! Speaking of sports, we plan to celebrate the beginnings and ends of our sports seasons, and if a team makes it to Championships, we'll have activities and games set up based around the sport. Of course, our favorite teachers will also be recognized for their amazing work.

___Finally, we plan to dedicate a lot to spreading awareness. Many issues regarding discrimination and cruelty have come to light, but in order to make real change, spreading awareness and raising money for organizations is the way we want to help. We plan to have a week full of awareness and protesting the unfair treatment of specific groups of people. For five days, we have five movements; Black Lives Matter, Stop Asian Hate, Save Palestine, Female Rights/SA awareness for all genders, and LGBTQIA+ awareness. We also plan to host fundraisers and have weeks dedicated to mental health and mental health awareness. We want to make a change.

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